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How's Life?

Yesterday was my 17th birthday and as a step forward for being an older and (hopefully) more matured person, maybe it won’t hurt to do a bit of a life update in my blog, heh.


So..... how’s life?

Well hello again people, this were meant to be posted to my blog after years of not posting anything, and if it did ended up being posted, just want to say... yes, I’m still alive.

back then I write stuff on this blog solely for schoolwork, never had an interest whatsoever about writing, but now... the only thing that makes me want to write is... life, it has been an absolute bizarre rollercoaster ride it seems and probably the best medium for me to express it is through writing. from an innocent happy 5th grader to now... a miserable loser, anti-social teenager who don’t have that much close friends (let alone best friend), only likes some geeky niche shit that other people doesn’t even know that it existed.

I just now realized that my life is not a movie, I’m not the boring weak main character that all of a sudden life’s got changed because a cool exciting shit happened to him. I’m no Milo Thatch who’s life got changed because some random old man need a help to discover Atlantis, I’m no Peter Parker who’s life got changed because a radioactive spider bite his hand and got him superpower. I am simply just some random teen who got crazy amount of bad luck, and my life will never changed if I’m not doing anything about it.


Ok venting aside how am I actually doing right now? Well as of today, Sunday, 21st August 2021, I am now in 12th grade/senior high school and currently in a middle of a six months internship. I usually spent my days making animation/bumper for the corporation that I worked for, and after that I either go skateboarding or just spent my time on social media/on my phone. Oh, and I occasionally draw too on the sides (see, the joke is drawing was supposed to be my main thing that I do, but here I am. ha, ha, ha).


So yeah, as you can probably tell from the start I’m not feeling content with my life right now, but I guess everybody does too. God knows how many stories and videos I’ve seen of people that are doing worse than me.... hey, at least I'm glad that I'm not alone on being lonely. let’s just all hope tomorrow will be a better day, cheers to all of us.


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